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Important disclaimer: project listings are neither endorsements nor investment advice. The purpose of the website is to discover new DeFi projects. Do your own research before investing or interacting with any DeFi project.

Like YFI but with YFBeta buy and burn mechanism
Native token: available
An ecosystem of protocols built on Ethereum which aims to simplify user interaction with popular DeFi protocols
Native token: available
Deflationary token, a social experiment and meme machine on Ethereum
Native token: available
Community-centered DeFi-project, YFI and ZZZ fork
Native token: available
Decentralized Perpetual Contract
Native token: available
DeFi yield aggregator
Native token: available
DEFI crosschain peer to peer lending platform
Native token: available
Staking platform on EOS
Native token: available
EOS One-stop DeFi Application Platform
Native token: available
YFI fork
Native token: available
MakiV2 automatically farms the highest yield available from the newest DeFi protocols
Native token: available
YFI fork
Native token: available
A prediction-based reward system
Native token: available
Yield Farming Token
Native token: available
YFI fork
Native token: available
Harvest automatically farms the highest yield available from the newest DeFi protocols
Native token: available
A protocol for creating Options and Stablecoins out of ETH
Native token: available

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